The Must Have Cloud Prop
The Must Have Cloud Prop
A repeat client of mine was launching a new product and wanted a shot with the box floating on a cloud. If you know me irl, you know I LOATHEEEEEE the phrase or attitude that “oh I’ll just fix it in post” #iykyk . However I did realize I would obviously need some photoshopping as I haven’t learned to control the weather yet. I went a looking for some solutions and found this cheap cloud prop linked here. It essentially was just a bunch of cotton wired together and some fishing string, I had tried creating a cloud prop about a year ago though and it did not go well so I decided it was worth the $11 to have someone do it for me. I shot the product, photoshopped out the fishing line and then selected the cloud and did a very faint mask around the edges to make it look a little more hazy/cloudy. I also did a lil bit of liquify to make the cloud seem more puffy. So yes in the end I did do some in photoshop but I swear to you it was nothing compared to what some of the people on YouTube were suggesting to get the cloud effect lol and I love the results!
Brand: Modern herbs
Props: Cloud Prop