Photography 101: Learning Manual Mode and Mastering Your DSLR

Sale Price:$220.00 Original Price:$295.00

I taught Digital Photography as a professor, this course is all of the information taught in that college course for only a fraction of the cost of a single credit hour. I know not everyone can afford, has time (or even wants) to go to college, here's an option to go at your own pace! There also will be an optional add on to have a more "traditional college experience" with 2 critiques a month, being a part of a facebook group, and having one on one office hours...still for less than a typical college course.

What we go over:

-How to Shoot Manual Mode

-How to use Manual White Balance (kelvin) no more auto white balance!!!

-What ISO, Aperture, and Shutter Speed are

-How the ‘Exposure Triangle’ works

-Video tutorials in Lightroom

-A free one on one office hour!

*PDF and Video Download only this is a go at your own pace course. If you’d like to participate in a more intensive experience you can find that here:

I want this💥