Tunnel Springs Park Photo Shoot

Tunnel Springs Park Photo Shoot

I’m a big believer in doing creative projects for yourself, ESPECIALLY if you do creative work for a living. If you don’t make time to remember why you like what you do that’s a one way street to burnout. (This is not the only way to burnout but that’s another post for another day). That being said, I was feeling the oh so familiar weight of being just done with everything photography so I called up my pal Ivy and sent her some inspo that’s been on my Pinterest board forever. (You can see the inspo here). I’m so happy with how it worked out and if you haven’t shot at Tunnel Springs in northern Utah, add it to your location list NOW.

Model: @lex__wilcox

Location: Tunnel Springs, Slc, Utah

Similar crop

Equipment used: Canon 5d markiv And Flash

My Pal and other photographer Ivy baker!

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