My Top Tips to Get Creative Inspiration Effectively

My Top Tips to Get Creative Inspiration Effectively

1. Pinterest

Pinterest I believe is the best place to find inspiration, but just like with any social media algorithm you are going to have to train it to show you what you want. In my experience, Pinterest learns pretty fast what you like to see especially if you use it consistently and follow other creators. You can follow my Pinterest below!

2. Photography Specific Websites

If you are looking for more Fine-art specific content, there are a few websites I go to to routinely to look at and get ideas from. I also follow them on social media so that way they organically show up in my feed. Often times there are also Call for Entries available for cheap or even free, and since these communities are used almost exclusively for Fine-Art, it’s an excellent way to get your work in front of curators and other professionals. There are tons of these websites out there but I’ll link a few of my favorites here that I 100% think you should at least look at.

3. Literally Everywhere

Ok before you close this and roll your eyes, hear me out. One of my Projects that I’ve been doing for awhile now, Observations of a Mormon Woman, I got the idea at a thrift store browsing the book section. Another personal project I’m doing is just taking photos of Jesus in Random places. (you can see this under the #jesusinrandomplaces on Instagram) Point of this being that anywhere and everywhere there is room for inspiration and art; even if it is just giggling at all the places you see Jesus in the Utah valley. Finding inspiration can be as easy as looking at the magazines at the thrift store, or noticing some pretty light…the point is you have to be present enough notice it.


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Downtown SLC, Photoshoot